Rebel Blog

How to Be Positive as a Christian


Hey everyone, I hope you all have been enjoying the first month of 2019. What did you accomplish? What did you change from 2018?

One of the things I have changed about myself this year is my dedication to myself. That might sound self-centered on the surface but hear me out. As someone who used to care very much about the opinions of others, I had a hard time feeling comfortable or even happy in certain crowds or certain situations.

Some of you reading this today may be able to identify with that feeling on some level. Have you ever wanted to please someone? Whether its your spouse, your parents, or even your manager at work? Did you feel stressed about it, because maybe that person was difficult to please, or maybe because you were always second-guessing yourself?

That’s exactly how I felt for a very long time. But then I decided that I wasn’t going to live that way anymore. My friends, you cannot live your life trying to please other people. This is unhealthy and simply unachievable—do you know why? Because people change.

Minds change, feelings change, moods change, even tastes change.

This year, I’ve decided I’m going to be more dedicated to myself. I’m going to start seeing myself the way God sees me. When you look in the mirror, who do you see?

Do you see someone who is already smiling or someone who needs to be reminded to smile?

When you look in the mirror, you should see what God sees, that is, a mirror image of His precious and holy son, Christ Jesus.

Didn’t you know that you were created in the likeness and image of God? Genesis 1:26

Christ Himself said that He gave us the same glory that was given to Him, so that we may be as one: “I in them and you in me, so that they may be brought to complete unity.” John 17:22-23 NIV

Do you understand what this scripture means? That once we have Jesus, a real and true relationship with Christ, we are complete?

Friends, you do not have to go searching for happiness like those of the world might have you believe. Joy, love, and peace cannot be found in some self-help book, at the top of a mountain, or hidden in a trail in the woods. You cannot feel whole and complete by taking a new medication, and you cannot be positive in life by simply ignoring the negatives.

The way that you become a positive person is by first accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, and then by seeing yourself as Christ sees you. You are a child of the Most High God. Do you know what that means? It means you are the child of a King—the King above all Kings. Act like it, think like it, speak like it!

But how?

How can someone who has messed up so badly see themselves as the heir to a King? How can someone so ugly, fat, tall, skinny, sick, angry, confused, unintelligent, or whatever else you think you are, see themselves as the child of the Lord Most High?

It starts in your head. Put on your Helmet of Salvation and dare to believe all the things God has promised you:

Good health, an abundant life, joy everlasting, insurmountable peace, protection, provision, wisdom, guidance, and so much more!

Don’t just sit there and nod through a sermon every Sunday morning, get up and apply the Word of the Lord! Believe the Word! Speak the Word! Live the Word!

Once you believe in your heart that you are what God says you are, you’ll be able to see things the way He sees them—conquered in your favor. Hold your head a little higher, square your shoulders, the child of the King is not a loser.

Be blessed!


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