The End of the World

Now One of Amazon’s Top 100 Christian Fantasy Bestsellers!


A Christian Apocalyptic Story

Wyatt Hughes was just another accountant headed to work when the sky cracked open. Then his life changed forever.
When the Biblical apocalypse comes to pass, Wyatt realizes his time has run out. He's been left behind and now the world has turned into chaos.
Wars and famine and pestilence outbreak. Wyatt spends his days running for his life and his nights whispering prayers to a God he isn't sure is listening. And then he discovers an underground bunker full of survivors and realizes he has a fighting chance. He can survive this tribulation thing. He can find love again. And he can learn what it truly means to call yourself a Child of the Most High God.

This is the story of the end of the world as detailed in the Book of Revelation of the Holy Bible.

The End of the World is the first installment of a new Christian apocalyptic series. It is now available for purchase on Amazon Kindle or Print! Click the button below to grab your copy and enjoy one of Amazon’s top 100 Christian Fantasy bestsellers!


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