By Dr. Andreas Laurencius
I will start by saying that I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. It’s always brave of authors to put their work out there like that but I think it’s even braver for a reviewer to be absolutely honest about someone’s work. It takes an awful lot for me to rate a book lower than three stars, but I do have my reasons.
It isn’t that the material is kind of … out there … and it isn’t the editing. It’s simply that I don’t really understand what’s going on at all … ever. Even the description made me scratch my head.
I tried to keep plowing through the book because I wanted to be fair to the author. This is something that another human being has taken their delicate time to create. It’s rude to brush it off just because I don’t necessarily agree with the material.
I am not someone who particularly enjoys religious fiction, which is exactly what I will call this, despite the fact that I myself am a Christian. It’s either bold or stupid to ask a devout Believer to review a book about breaking down religious principles. Which brings me to my next point; I did not dislike this book because I disagreed with it. I did not enjoy it because I don’t enjoy science fiction. It was very strange in that aspect, lots of hopping around and attempting to tie in philosophical woohoo but not in a way that made me want to keep turning the pages. In fact, I didn’t make it through the entire book.
Almost a month of having this book stashed in my library I finally gave up and wrote my review.
I majored in psychology in college which probably added to my already negative attitude toward the theories around our perception of reality, faith and fact, yada yada yada… I’m really not interested in that topic of discussion which is basically the entire concept of this book. To me, that’s what really suffered here.
This book has a very targeted audience. You have to be interested in finding ‘ultimate truths’ to enjoy this. You have to be skeptical about religion to find the value in this piece. And you have to have at least the slightest interest in science fiction to truly appreciate the creativity that plays out in this novel. Unfortunately, I do not fall in any of those categories.
Another turn off was the odd style of writing. The language the author used was weird at times, I felt like he was writing with a thesaurus in his lap just replacing words and dialogue with rarely used synonyms.
On a positive note, the book is written pretty well, despite the vocabulary plugs. It is something that will hold your attention if you can, first of all, find the plotline. And, second of all, keep up with it. There are people who will love this book, I can see its value and its worth if directed to the right readers—unfortunately, I am not one of those readers but I gave it a fair shot.