By Elle E. Kay
So this book put me in a pickle. I liked it for a number of reasons; the title was simple which really drew me in, wondering just who is this Stella and what does she have to offer me? The cover to this book was also striking. I thought it looked like something that should be on the cover of a book of historical fiction but once I really got into the story I had a change of heart. This cover is spectacular and it pretty much matches the content within.
This is a work of contemporary Christian fiction. So I was definitely excited when I was given a copy for review, as a Christian and as a fan of contemporary fiction. I thought Stella, on the surface, was a strong female lead and she was also someone who was relatable. Stella isn’t just a ‘normal ol’ girl’ she has a mind and a personality but, most of all, she has gotten herself into a pretty sticky situation.
This book will be a good ride for most readers. I’d like to say it ‘goes there’ with Stella and her experiences and her emotions and her friends and family. This is a real book that can be seen playing out in real life. For that, I liked it and I, of course, enjoyed the incorporation of faith and the character’s relationships with God. I’m a very strong Christian but I have to say I can be a bit picky when it comes to Christian fiction. I always feels nervous because I don’t know if I’m going to be given a lot of preaching or a lot of story. This was a safe one, it was intriguing, inspiring, and solidly Christian.
As far as faith goes, Stella is someone that is definitely honest and easy for readers to enjoy. When she is afraid, when she is struggling, when she is in trouble, she turns to God. And it’s not cheesy, it’s true. Because that’s what everyone does, right? Stella has a lot of reasons to turn to God so the faith is strong in this book and that’s just how I like it.
Now, back to the pickle I was in.
I felt that this was a good, strong book. It will definitely grip readers of all ages, especially those in the Christian audiences. But the style of narration bothered me a little bit. It felt like a list at times, especially in the beginning. Stella woke up, Stella looked around, she felt afraid. For some it worked but for me it didn’t. I still read the book and found enjoyment in it but I had to get around the awkwardness in the narration.
Now, sometimes there were bits where the author’s true talent as a writer came through. Whenever she described Stella in great detail and really got into her personality I found myself really turning the pages and really enjoying it. The editing wasn’t bad, the structure wasn’t bad, this was just a case of preference. Is the story still good? Absolutely. Is this still a great read? Of course! It just wasn’t the best read for me.
Despite that, I will say this is a solid story worth five stars from anyone. Give it a chance and I’m sure you will enjoy it too. I would recommend this book to Christian readers of all ages.
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*