Taste of Danger
By Alexa Verde
I’m always up for biracial romance, so when Verde queried me for a review I was definitely intrigued. With a title like, Taste of Danger, I half expected the book to be some sort of erotica novel but I was wrong—thankfully. Taste of Danger is actually a Christian romance, and its one I think is quite interesting.
The ‘danger’ in the title doesn’t refer to some sort of BDSM romance, it’s actually got a close connection to the literal danger the characters face in the storyline. There’s an actual shootout and a kidnapping in the book which sets the scene for the two love interests to begin their development.
I would like to say that this is just another damsel in distress novel but I think the characterization and the outrageous things that happen in this book safely allow me to excuse this recurring theme in romance. I mean, it definitely worked for this book so I can’t complain too much.
How does Christianity play a role in this suspenseful romance? Well the characters are taken on a wild run as they race against time and thugs to find a priceless treasure. It’s only the grace of God that saves them, protects them, and gives Soledad a peace of mind during even the most heart-pounding scenes. Verde did a wonderful job incorporating her faith and rich culture in this book. I loved how it all connected and didn’t feel forced in the least bit. I knew from the start this book would be a Christian romance but I didn’t know it would be such a thriller. This book makes me proud to call myself a Christian who loves to read love stories. It’s not your typical Christian romance and brings a new taste to the genre. I can say it’s definitely high on my list of books to recommend.
Christian readers will probably appreciate this series more than others but if you like a fast paced novel with a steady and believable romance then you will fall in love with this book. The characters are beautifully diverse and there’s an immense lesson of trust and faith to be learned from the pages of this book. I would highly recommend it to adult readers and would argue every Christian romance fan should grab a copy soon.
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*