Being Joyful Leads to Healing — The Rebel Christian

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Being Joyful Leads to Healing


I am so excited to write on this topic! I like to think of myself as a relatively healthy person—I hardly eat fast food and I drink lots of water and exercise a few times a week. Nothing special, except that Coca-Cola is probably my unhealthy guilty pleasure, haha! But, despite my diet and exercise, there have definitely been times when I have felt bad and truly could not find any relief except in the Word of God.

So many Christians are searching through the Bible for healing—and that’s a GOOD thing!—but one of the scriptures that I don’t see being used enough when it comes to healing and prayer for healing, is Proverbs 17:22 NIV:

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Do you see that? A cheerful heart is good medicine! Some versions of the Bible say a joyful heart is good medicine. That’s amazing! Because it is a wonderful medicine that makes you feel good inside and out; you’re in a good mood and at the same time you’re being healed. And the best part is that this medicine does not come with any side effects!

It is very important for you to read and receive this scripture in your heart. Being cheerful or joyful isn’t something to shrug off, it is something you should strive to be each and every day. Why would you want to be an angry or moody Christian? Why would you want to be the sort of person people have to tiptoe around?

Even if you are sick or struggling with illness, try your best to keep a smile on your face. Some of you might frown as you read this and think, how can I smile through this pain? Why would I smile when the Lord hasn’t healed me yet? My response to that is … WHY NOT?

Tell me, what do you get out of being angry or bitter or disheartened? Isn’t it easier to smile than frown? Isn’t it more pleasant to laugh than cry? To sing than shout?

Even in illness and defeat, you should remain joyful. Paul said it best in Philippians 4:4 NIV, Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!


Rejoice in the Lord always … ALWAYS—not only when you feel like it, not only when you’re feeling good, not only when everything is working out for you. Always means always. All the time, in every situation, in every positive and negative experience, REJOICE!

It is so important for us to rejoice because when we are rejoicing in the Lord, not only are we being joyful/cheerful and therefore taking our spiritual medicine, but we are also telling the Lord that we trust Him for our healing. I can rejoice because I know that God is listening to my praise and He will answer with a miracle. I can rejoice because I know that Satan is a defeated foe and my sickness was washed away by the Blood of Jesus over 2000 years ago when He died on the cross for me. I can rejoice because even if I am still feeling sick right now, Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise and so much more!

I have written a few articles on staying encouraged during your struggles, See Jesus in Every Area of Your Life is one of my favorites, but you should also check out, Staying Encouraged as A Christian. In both articles, I stress the importance of Christians not losing hope.

I know that it can be difficult to stay encouraged for healing and be joyful when you feel absolutely terrible. I know it can be hard to continue pushing forward when you are met with so much resistance and it seems like God isn’t there. But let me tell you something, no matter how bad it gets, God IS there [Hebrews 13:5], and He wants you to be healed. I can’t answer why you didn’t receive your healing earlier or why you got sick in the first place—all I can say is that God is your Father and He is a good Father. Good fathers want nothing but the best for their children [Matthew 7:9-11]; so keep holding on because every time you smile and rejoice, the enemy gets weaker and weaker.

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