The True Meaning of The Rainbow
Today, younger generations see rainbows and immediately think of the gay community, but I remember a time when the rainbow was universally recognized as a symbol of peace established by God Almighty. As a Christian, whenever I see a rainbow, I still remember the promise given to every human being from the Lord.
Genesis 9:13-15 NIV says, I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
What I love most about this scripture is that it definitively and absolutely claims the rainbow as God’s creation and His gift to us. But what’s even more breathtaking about this passage is verse 14: Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds…
Notice how God says, whenever I bring the clouds over the earth—this is just another beautiful reminder that God is in complete and total control of everything that happens on the earth, above the earth, around the earth—everything, EVERYWHERE bends to the will of God Almighty—my Father! Haha!
One thing that is profoundly important to understand before you can grasp the significance of the rainbow to us as God’s children is the covenant.
What is a covenant? It’s a binding agreement between two or more parties with each party binding themselves to fulfill specific obligations of that covenant.
So, covenants have 3 basic components:
Two or more parties taking part in the covenant.
A binding element
Specific obligations
Some of you may read this and think, huh, that sounds a lot like a contract—but the key differences between covenants and contracts, or even promises, is that the binding element of a covenant is the shedding of blood and also, covenants have no end date.
Think of the marriage covenant; God ordained marriage as a covenant between one naturally born male and one naturally born female for life. The binding of the marriage—or, the shedding of blood—happens when a woman loses her virginity, and the absence of an end date is enforced through the marital vows; til’ death do us part—remember your old Sunday school lessons that taught you divorce wasn’t pleasing to God? Well, this is why!
Marriage is sacred to God, not because He’s boring and wants you shackled to one person forever, not because He hates gay people and doesn’t believe in equal rights, not because He isn’t free-thinking or progressive enough—marriage is sacred to God because it is established by a covenant. And covenants last forever. They are permanent vows (obligations) set by two parties, bound in the shedding of blood, and lasting beyond their lifetime.
So, the rainbow is more than a symbol of sexual preference or a supportive gesture to the frontline workers of the pandemic. It is a visible reminder to God of the covenant established between Him and Noah thousands of years ago. But wait … what is that covenant?
If you go up a few verses in Genesis chapter 9, you’ll see the covenant detailed:
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9:8-11 NIV
Let’s break down the components of this covenant.
The two parties are God and Noah and Noah’s descendants (that is, all of humanity), along with all every living creature on earth.
Some may argue that the shedding of blood happened when all the other creatures and humans on earth were drowned in the flood, but I believe the shedding of blood to enact this covenant occurs in Genesis 8:20 NIV: Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done…
Now, what are the specific obligations of this covenant? Obviously, God’s part is to not destroy the earth with water ever again. But what is Noah’s part—and our part, as his descendants?
Our part is the easy part; it is the most beautiful part of many of the covenants between mankind and God. It demonstrates God’s mercy and kindness toward us, and it reinforces His love for us.
Our part in this covenant is to simply accept.
Isn’t that beautiful? All the work in this everlasting agreement is being done by God; it is His job to keep the earth spinning round and round, to keep the sun shining, to keep stars in the sky, and to keep the waters at bay. All we have to do is love and accept Christ Jesus—and isn’t that so easy? To simply love your Father?
My friend, the rainbow is so much more than propaganda. It has more meaning than any of us can put into words and it completely belongs to God Almighty. 2020 America may be filled with millions of “woke” people waving flags and fighting for their own sense of justice, but no matter what the media pushes or what laws are passed—always remember that GOD is in control and He will always have the final say.
So, don’t feel frustrated or angry when you see our covenant sign being misused and misrepresented—don’t ever expect respect from people outside the Body of Christ. As my pastor would say, sinners … sin! So, don’t let someone else’s ignorance and misguidance negatively impact your emotions or your walk with God.
Jesus said it best in Luke 23:34 NIV: … Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
The world today cannot fully recognize the rainbow for what it truly is because it does not fully recognize God as the Almighty or Christ as its Savior. But just because the world is confused, that doesn’t mean you have to be, too.
This shirt can be purchased here!
I see many Christians today shying away from rainbow decorations, clothing, or flags because they don’t want to be mistakenly identified as one in support of the gay community. I completely understand that concern, but don’t let the enemy steal your joy! You know what the rainbow represents, so wear it with the covenant of God in mind! Take pride in your identity as a Child of the Most High God, a Christian on the receiving end of the rainbow covenant. Find Christian attire that embraces the true meaning of the rainbow; find a rainbow shirt with a scripture on it!
Don’t be afraid to take back the rainbow—it was yours to begin with.
God bless, my friend.