Lunacy Shared — The Rebel Christian

Book Reviews

Lunacy Shared

As someone who very much enjoyed Book 1 in the Lunacy series, I must say I was very excited to get to read the second book. I remember the easygoing edge in book one and how much I liked Kory, the main character, and the way his quirky personality helped set the foundation for such an outgoing series.

Nothing about Kory and nothing about the creativity in this series has changed so far. You still have a nerdy yet entertaining teen struggling with his family history and his high school crush. Only this time, things have gotten a bit more complicated.

I enjoyed diving deeper into Kory’s ancestry because its incredibly important to the series, but it also provides a little more insight into Kory as our protagonist. Not every question you had from Book 1 will get answered but I expect a book 3 that will undoubtedly be just as fulfilling and entertaining as parts 1 and 2. In my review of the first book, I said that the book was short but had A LOT of things going on. I didn’t feel that way in reading Book 2. I liked the pacing and I had a good understanding of the plot and what was happening next.

Edwards is definitely a good author and I recommend her writing to anyone. This book is not your average YA read so don’t pick it up if you’re not interested in something 100% unique and original. I loved the diverse and minority characters and I loved the discoveries that were waiting to be uncovered. I expect to see much more from this author in the future and I know I won’t be disappointed.

If you enjoy YA fiction with an awkward and unique protagonist, then this series is for you. If you like high school drama with a supernatural twist, then I urge you to get a copy of any book from the Lunacy series. Please enjoy!


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