Lunacy's Core: Book I in the Lunacy Series
By T.D. Edwards
I will start this review off by saying that I genuinely enjoyed this book. I really did. What I loved so much about it is that I got to read it as a reader, not as a reviewer—which is how I normally approach books given to me by authors. I didn’t have to nitpick at every little thing, I didn’t have to make sure it all made sense (because it did all make sense) I simply got to read a good story and not many books I come across allow me to do that. I loved the flow, the writing, and the main character, Kory, right from page one. By page two, I knew I would be able to write a really good review.
First, let me tell readers just what this book is about. It feels like a mix of Bates Motel and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Much like the protagonists of this television show and book, Kory is an awkward fellow with few friends. He has poor social skills and is haunted by the actions of his family members. Kory’s aunt is rumored to have been insane and it seems like those rumors have begun to follow him around. When Kory finally makes friends with some students everything starts to go well until an unfortunate event lands him right back to where he was in the beginning of the story. An awkward kid with no friends. To make things worse, Kory also gets mixed up with a teacher who may not be there to help as much to hurt.
So there’s a lot to this story revolving around the main character. It is not a very long story and the flow and structure is great. Kory is a sweet character who doesn’t make you feel sorry for him, he has a strong personality and doesn’t feel like a cookie cutter nerd. He is abnormal but not in that annoying, ‘embrace diversity’ kind of way. He’s weird but it works. That’s the best way I can put it. The history of his family and his aunt’s abnormality make the background story and the mystery a little more interesting. The book isn’t very long so everything happens kind of quick but the author doesn’t fly through the details, which I appreciated very much.
Now, the only complaint I have is that there is a lot to this story. It was well structured and didn’t feel rushed but an awful LOT happened for such a small cast and to stress a rather simple point. Kory has problems. I know I’m REALLY dumbing down the root of the story but at its core—pun intended—it’s simply about a crazy, kooky kid. It is written well and it works out to be an entertaining book for me but I think a few things could have been left out.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes quirky characters and psychologically intriguing books.
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*